Saturday, November 17, 2007

Darn exams!!

Heheh… I’m feeling better now, maybe I should try going out whenever I get these bouts. I guess, once the college starts, id feel much better… yeah… that way, I would forget everything. I remember now, earlier, whenever I felt this way; I would stat painting or simply drawing to keep my mind engaged. Seriously, drawing is the best hobby anyone can ever have. You tend to get so involved that you literally forget the whole world. Or maybe it’s just me. Im really an art person, now that I think about it. Ahem! Anyway… that’s me for ya… moody all the time. Hmph! Things aren’t really that interesting for now, except that I gotta finish my exams n face those jerky faces of those stupid teachers of mine. That’s not a problem until they don’t give me that you-are-such-an-idiot look that just bugs the hell outta me…. Anyway, I’m not in the mood right now… so I’m gonna end this here… sigh!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Wow!!! now this is something reeeaaalllyy interesting.... okay... not ALL that interesting, but definitely way too interesting in my zombie life. Okay.... there was this big event of meeting my internet friend … who, quite predictably happens to be an otaku as well. I hadn’t really expected the whole thing to go so smoothly, though it was pretty boring, to be honest. We really didn’t do anything much. I was, as I had predicted about 30 minutes late! (Hey! It was raining) well... after all the last minute preparation, at which time I even thought I’d skip that meeting, making some excuse, but seeing how he was upset about how I had postponed it earlier(Yes! I had done it) I thought it was best I just get it over with. Somehow, I wasn’t even curious about knowing how he might be in real life. But I’m glad there’s at least one person among my net friends I’ve met.

So, since it was raining I was already late for our little meeting. He welcomed me saying that he was about to leave in about like 5 minutes. I replied saying that I was hungry and wanted to eat something first. O.O way to go!!! Seriously! I don’t think anybody would have had this kind of conversation during their first meeting. It was really hilarious, in a way. But I just had a chocolate frappe (Yes! We were in a restaurant) which did not show that I was a glutton, not that I am. And then we talked mostly about animes (no prizes for guessing) which both of us thoroughly enjoyed. We practically talked about everything ranging from the newest development in the inuyasha story (in manga) to even kenshin’s scar! But that was real fun, I must say. I can say he’s the kind of a guy who can tolerate any kind of subject and even bear to listen to other’s talks even if it’s boring the hell outta him. I dunno, many he was patient coz it was our first meeting or something. But he talks about animes more than I do, and considering the different varieties of guys I’ve seen here in mysore, I can say he’s the most sensible guy I’ve ever met. And different too! He even said I’m the first person he had ever met who actually had a crush on a guy when she was still in school (I dunno why I blurted this piece of information out to him. I haven’t even told this to my sister, well… maybe coz she knows that I know that she knows about it). I don’t know what I’m supposed to understand by this, but that at least makes me different AND normal, which most people here in Mysore are not. And we even happened agree on the fact that animes make you more matured. Something that I used to think that I’m the only one who’s noticed it. Guess I’ve just found myself a nice friend. It was pretty short, the meeting I mean. AND what do know…


Not that I do many times, but I’m pretty shy around guys. There was a time when I couldn’t talk to my own cousin by looking into his eyes. It was weird really, and I am lucky he was too dense to ask me what was wrong with me. So… anyway, the point is, I was really surprised I could talk to him so casually.


For which I was really, really glad. Then I handed him all my manga and anime DVDs (sometimes I really behave there absolutely nothing in this world other than these two, like I care, anyway). So, all in all… it was fun… though it was short. Nothing weird happened. Alright that's all for now..... and i shud make sure to keep posting regularly.... if anything interesting happens that is....thats all for now....


Finally something interesting

Well… what can I say? It looks like my life’s finally getting somewhere. I know getting to go out to the college and then taking a detour to the central library doesn’t really qualify as ‘interesting’ but hey! I’m at least out of my sleep-hog-sleep cycle. Now that can definitely be called as some improvement, considering how pathetically boring my life is otherwise. I practically live the life of a zombie if you know what I mean. Yeah I can join some weirdo classes like an art class or something, but the thing is I have this problem of learning things on my own, that’s only by trial and error, and not from a tutor. And this is where my incredible memory power comes into picture. I just don’t seem to remember the fine tunings those teachers say. And leaving that, the only thing I’m interested is skating which thanks to my dad who said I’m too old to go around skating, that dream went down in drains. Oh! Yeah, I can go out with friends too. But Mysore is not really a place you’d like to hang much around. And since I’m more of an introvert, and sports-impaired I don’t prefer that either. But I really should try that sometimes, sports I mean. You never know… I might get good at it. He! He! He! (Dream on!)

Well…. Now back to my supposed ‘interesting life’ I finally decided to get my lazy butt out of my house and go out. Well… you could say it was inevitable. That’s aside, I was actually supposed go to this central library to return some books and oh! What a surprise! I don’t know the way. Therefore, I did the most sensible thing I could think of. I hired a rickshaw. But the place turned out to be not even a mile away! Bless my luck! But hey! It’s better than getting lost. Besides, considering my amazing sense of direction, I guess that was the best thing I did. I mean nobody would want to keep circling around the same place over and over without a clue of where they were actually getting at. Now that’s a bad situation. Very!

Anyway, when I finally I went to the library, I found this really interesting book from one of my favorite authors –not that I have many since I’m not really that devoted reader of novels – and the novel I didn’t even know existed. It was so hilarious. I seriously love these funny types. A LOT! Anything that makes me laugh. Now that I think about it, I’m someone who laughs even if it’s the corniest joke of the century. Well… anyway, the point is that I enjoyed it. I hope I get to read more of that author. Or maybe I can buy some books, than wasting money on manga when I can very well read it on the net. That would work out way cheaper than buying it. So here goes, I’m going tomorrow to buy some of those books. Oh! If only I knew about its existence a little while earlier, I would have had a whole collection of it. Anyway, So... That’s what happened until now.... i'll keep posting ....