Friday, November 16, 2007

Finally something interesting

Well… what can I say? It looks like my life’s finally getting somewhere. I know getting to go out to the college and then taking a detour to the central library doesn’t really qualify as ‘interesting’ but hey! I’m at least out of my sleep-hog-sleep cycle. Now that can definitely be called as some improvement, considering how pathetically boring my life is otherwise. I practically live the life of a zombie if you know what I mean. Yeah I can join some weirdo classes like an art class or something, but the thing is I have this problem of learning things on my own, that’s only by trial and error, and not from a tutor. And this is where my incredible memory power comes into picture. I just don’t seem to remember the fine tunings those teachers say. And leaving that, the only thing I’m interested is skating which thanks to my dad who said I’m too old to go around skating, that dream went down in drains. Oh! Yeah, I can go out with friends too. But Mysore is not really a place you’d like to hang much around. And since I’m more of an introvert, and sports-impaired I don’t prefer that either. But I really should try that sometimes, sports I mean. You never know… I might get good at it. He! He! He! (Dream on!)

Well…. Now back to my supposed ‘interesting life’ I finally decided to get my lazy butt out of my house and go out. Well… you could say it was inevitable. That’s aside, I was actually supposed go to this central library to return some books and oh! What a surprise! I don’t know the way. Therefore, I did the most sensible thing I could think of. I hired a rickshaw. But the place turned out to be not even a mile away! Bless my luck! But hey! It’s better than getting lost. Besides, considering my amazing sense of direction, I guess that was the best thing I did. I mean nobody would want to keep circling around the same place over and over without a clue of where they were actually getting at. Now that’s a bad situation. Very!

Anyway, when I finally I went to the library, I found this really interesting book from one of my favorite authors –not that I have many since I’m not really that devoted reader of novels – and the novel I didn’t even know existed. It was so hilarious. I seriously love these funny types. A LOT! Anything that makes me laugh. Now that I think about it, I’m someone who laughs even if it’s the corniest joke of the century. Well… anyway, the point is that I enjoyed it. I hope I get to read more of that author. Or maybe I can buy some books, than wasting money on manga when I can very well read it on the net. That would work out way cheaper than buying it. So here goes, I’m going tomorrow to buy some of those books. Oh! If only I knew about its existence a little while earlier, I would have had a whole collection of it. Anyway, So... That’s what happened until now.... i'll keep posting ....

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