Thursday, January 14, 2010

If I were the Princess and you were the Prince....

Looks like all the stress and tension i've been dealing with lately has finally taken a toll on my brain, mind and soul! Other wise , why would i suddenly start wishing i lived in those times of castles and princes and princesses. Or maybe i was one of them.. fu fu fu.. Yep! now im totally confirmed my brain's gone bonkers... or maybe ive been writing too much about castles and ancient ruins n reading abt old stories abt princes and princesses ( no im not talking about fables.. im talking about real stories) I wonder what kind of life they lives.. When i look at all those gardens outside the castles.. i start wondering what a comfortable life they must have lived...

Strolling around the garden in the evening.. get whatever u wanna eat cooked by the servants.. get entertained at the snap of your fingers... in fact... get whatever you want at the snap of your fingers... no pollution.. no screeching sound of the vehicles... no crowded buildings... just pure nature! Ahh!! what a life! What i wouldnt give to live that kind of life... Even if i have to end up with living in a hut by the river side completely surrounded by nature living that medieval life.... there's definitely some kind of charm to it... even though i would miss internet.. O_o

And there would be a view of that beautiful Himeji castle from my little hut and i would probably get a glimpse of the handsome prince everyday! GOD!! WHATS WRONG WITH ME!! I think i shud go meditate for a week and get brain back to working the way it was...

UGH! i better get back to work which is just gonna remind me of the old castles again.... Well... i dont have a choice anyway....

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