Thursday, December 31, 2009

The disastrous trip that I can never in my life forget!

Alright! here I am again with another boring entry... well.. finally SOMETHING interesting happened in my life... I dunno why I wasn't exactly excited when my dad told me that we'd be going on a trip to ooty... maybe i knew that it would turn out really bad!!and besides who would really go to a hill station on winter huh? well... im not blaming my parents for choosing such a er... unusual place.. its always been my dad's favourite place... anyways... though I was surprised in the beginning, I thought.. maybe.. just maybe... it wouldn't be THAT bad... maybe I CAN survive the trip... well... u see... i really dont like the idea of going to a hill station in winter...

Anyway, I'll tell u what happened during the trip... we started our journey in the morning in an incredibly uncomfortable bus.. dunno why my parents always have the habit of making the worst of things... so.. obviously the journey wasn't THAT enjoyable... but did enjoy the beautiful scenaries on the way... well.. i've never been an emotional person.. but that kinda made me nostalgic of our last trip to ooty which was really good.. trust me , it really was! anyways... after some hours(which actually seemed like months) we finally arrived at ooty... believe me , the weather was soo cold that I thought that was really gonna freeze and turn into a snow man! ~_~ why do things always turn out like this to me? why do I always have to face the worst of things? anyways...

But the trip wasn't really THAT bad other than the terrible weather... hmm.. so.. we didn't do anything that evening other than go out n have a look around the city... and then the most wonderful thing happened . what happened was that I was just looking through all the stores and I came across this little book store and thought i'd check it out thinking that maybe I'd find something interesting over there... (and also that i'd stay in a warm place for some time... seriously the breeze was literally sending chills through my body) and then it happened! I found something that i never thought i'd ever find in that place!! I FOUND A MANGA!! yeah sure.. u might think its no big deal.. but since I was dying to have one I was really happy to find one! I was beyond happy and was mentally screaming with joy.. seriously, I don't remember the last time I had felt THAT happy... ahem! anyways.. n then we had dinner in this really weird hotel (I was really surprised to see that a place THAT popular did not have a decent hotel) anyways, and finally to my utter relief we went back to the hotel and I after that... the next thing i knew was getting up in the morning . I didn't not even realise when I fell asleep . The next morning was as chilly as the previous day. Then remembering the terrible time I had the previous day I decided I'd rather stay back instead of going out with the fear that i might really turn into an ice block or something (and I really didn't want THAT to happen)so.. I spent the whole day watching animax ... tee hee... (well thats way better than going out only to turn yourself into a living snow man *rolls her eyes* ) so.. that day was pretty good...

Aaannnddd... finally on sunday my parents managed to convince me into going on a sight seeing with them saying that the whole trip would be a waste if I didn't (I really didn't mind that to happen though)... Then I thought maybe ... becoz this is sight seeing I might have some fun. Now! if only I was that lucky ... sigh! I ended up in a bus loaded with couples and watching them bill-and-cooing all the way through the trip and that really wasn't there in my plan... I sighed looking at the couples ... oh! brother!!!

Finally the darned sight-seeing trip got over and so was the whole dreaded trip!! yayyy!!! I screamed mentally, too happy that the next day I'd be coming back to the not-so-cold mysore... and for the first time in my life I must say I actually missed mysore and was more than happy to get back to my home! my warm home!!

I grinned looking at my messy room with all the clothes and books scattered around (I really didn't have time to clean up before leaving... so.. it was a li'l messier than usual). I was finally back!!

And one thing I learned from this so-called trip was... never, I repeat NEVER EVER make the mistake of going to a hill station in winter and much the less without a proper company with you ... that is i you don't want your trip to become a nightmare.

well, thats all for now...

ja ne ^_^

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